Bancos centrales de Brasil y Corea recortan tasas
Genevieve Signoret & Patrick Signoret
Los comités de política monetaria de los bancos centrales de Brasil y Corea decidieron recortar sus tasas de política monetaria en 25 puntos base, a 7.25% y 3.75%, respectivamente. El Banco de Corea también publicó proyecciones económicas para 2012-2013, revisando a la baja las perspectivas de crecimiento e inflación.
Comunicado completo del comité de política monetaria del BCB (Copom):
The Copom decided to reduce the Selic rate to 7.25 percent, without bias, with 5 votes for the monetary policy action and 3 votes in favor of maintaining the Selic rate at 7.50 percent.
Considering the balance of risks for inflation, the domestic activity recovery and the complexity that surrounds the international environment, the Committee understands that the stability of monetary conditions for a sufficiently long period of time is the most adequate strategy to guarantee the convergence of inflation to the target, even in a non-linear way.
Del comunicado del Banco de Corea:
Based on currently available information, the Committee considers the economic recovery in the US to have continued, albeit at a moderate pace, but the sluggishness of economic activities in the euro area to have deepened. Growth has continued to slow in emerging market countries as well, due mostly to the impact of the economic slumps in advanced countries. The Committee expects the pace of global economic recovery to be very modest going forward and judges the downside risks to growth to be large, owing chiefly to the spillover of the euro area fiscal crisis to the real economy and to the possibility of the so-called fiscal cliff materializing in the US.
[…] Consumer price inflation and core inflation excluding the prices of agricultural and petroleum products continued to run at low levels at 2.0% and 1.4% respectively in September. The Committee forecasts that inflation will remain below the 3.0% midpoint of its target for the time being, owing primarily to the easing of demand-side pressures and despite the influence for example of international grain price instability.
El Banco de Corea también publicó su informe de perspectivas económicas para 2012 y 2013. Espera que la economía de Corea crezca 2.4% en 2012 y 3.2% en 2013 y que el promedio de la tasa de inflación sea de 2.3% en 2012 y 2.7% en 2013. Todos estos pronósticos son menores que los de julio pasado. Las previsiones de crecimiento son más pesimistas que las últimas proyecciones del FMI: 2.7% y 3.6%.
Bancos centrales de Brasil y Corea recortan tasas.América, Asia y Europa: Tasa de política monetaria, hasta 11 oct 2012 (% per annum)