Posts from July 2024

Implicaciones macroeconómicas de la plataforma del Partido Republicano (si se ejecuta)

(You can read the English version here.) Los traders están impulsando el precio de bitcoin y oro, supuestamente porque anticipan que Trump gane y ven sus políticas como inflacionarias. Así que realizamos un análisis profundo de la plataforma económica de su partido (muy del estilo Trump) para ver si estábamos de acuerdo y para evaluar […]

Posted: July 31st, 2024
Categories: Uncategorized
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Macro Implications of the Republican Party Platform (If Accomplished)

(Hay una versión en español de este artículo aquí.) Traders are bidding up bitcoin and gold purportedly because they expect Trump to win and see his policies as inflationary. So we took a deep dive into his party’s (very Trumpist) economic platform to see whether we agreed, and to gauge each policy proposal’s likely effects […]

Posted: July 31st, 2024
Categories: Uncategorized
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Riesgo geopolítico y escenarios para una tercera guerra mundial: conclusiones de Zelikow 2024

(You can read the English version here.) Se lee tan a menudo que “los riesgos geopolíticos están aumentando” que la frase llega a perder su impacto. Sin embargo, hemos llegado a creer que de hecho han aumentado, que pueden aumentar aún más, y que, en un caso extremo, pueden llevar a una guerra mundial. Creemos […]

Posted: July 30th, 2024
Categories: Uncategorized
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Geopolitical Risk Assessment and World War III Scenarios: Takeaways from Zelikow 2024

(Hay una versión en español de este artículo aquí.) One reads so often that “geopolitical risks are heightening” that the words can lose their punch. But we’ve come to believe that in fact they have heightened, they can heighten further, and in an extreme case may lead to a world war. Further, that we have […]

Posted: July 30th, 2024
Categories: Uncategorized
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2024–2026 Outlook: No Landing Worldwide, Plan C Lite in Mexico

Editor’s note: A week ago, we shared our outlook for the global economy and Mexico in Spanish. Today we share our translation to English. Please note that, while translating, we decided to clarify a few points. This means that the Spanish original has been revised slightly. Feel free to consult it here.  Introduction We present […]

Posted: July 5th, 2024
Categories: Uncategorized
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