La política monetaria de hoy en Inglaterra y Japón
Genevieve Signoret
Inglaterra: informe trimestral sobre la inflación
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Japón: decisión de política monetaria
Comunicado. No hubo cambio ni en la tasa (obviamente) ni en el tamaño de su programa de relajamiento cuantitativo.
The Bank has repeatedly expanded the size of the Asset Purchase Program on a significant scale, and is steadily implementing the Program mainly through the purchase of financial assets. The Bank has also made it clear that it is committed to continuing the virtually zero interest rate policy until it judges that price stability is in sight on the basis of the “understanding of medium- to long-term price stability.” (1-2%) In order for Japan’s economy to overcome deflation and return to a sustainable growth path with price stability, the Bank will continue to consistently make contributions as the central bank by pursuing powerful monetary easing through the comprehensive monetary easing measures as described above, ensuring financial market stability, and providing support to strengthen the foundations for economic growth.
Patrick Signoret, Guest Blogger