Global trade: less sluggish
Genevieve Signoret
29 November 2014
Activity: External sector
Bottom line: International trade, while still sluggish, seems to be picking up a little speed.
The value of U.S. trade is growing weakly
U.S. nominal trade flows are growing weakly, though they’ve accelerated some in Q3 versus Q2 of this year. The U.S. trade deficit remains at steady 2.9% of GDP.
Poor Brazil!
Brazil is facing weak demand both domestically and, given its strong trade connections to the euro area and emerging Asia, abroad.
Mexico trade flows pick up speed
Despite falling oil output and prices both, Mexico’s trade flows have picked up some speed. Mexico’s trade account is well balanced.
Incipient trade flow pickup in Asia and Europe
Trade flows show incipient signs of improvement in much of Asia and Europe.
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